About us.

We have advocated the idea of carbon dioxide removal as a climate solution for over two decades and our starting point has always been high-integrity carbon removal.

  • We are pioneers in carbon removal and founder of the "negative emissions" concept in 2002.

  • We have 20 years’ experience of carbon market projects in developing countries.

  • We contributed to the development of the biochar carbon removal concept through research since 2005.

This is what makes Reverse Carbon unique:

We are Pioneers of Carbon Removal technology.


It all begins with an idea. 2001 we launched the idea of BECCS and permanent carbon dioxide removal (“negative emissions”) to manage climate risk in a series of research articles. This idea has now grown into a cornerstone of global, regional and corporate net-zero strategies, and ultimately of attaining the Paris Agreement targets. We proposed the use of biochar for combined CDR and soil enhancement already in 2004-2006.


We develop and own our projects


We are not brokers of carbon credits. Instead, we have a long-lasting engagement in real projects on the ground. Therefore, we can guarantee high quality along the entire value chain from project initialisation to the issuance of carbon credits.


We raise ambition (No double claiming)


We are one of the few companies planning permanent CDR in developing countries. A great share of CDR start-ups is planning to operate in developed countries where double claiming is an issue because buyers with net-zero targets will not be able to credibly claim mitigation outcomes that are already counted towards national targets. Host country corresponding adjustments is one way of avoiding the double claiming problem, but this has only been tested to a very limited extent, and the willingness of host countries to do corresponding adjustments is still unknown. By operating in developing countries without economy-wide NDC targets Reverse Carbon contributes to raising the global ambition above national targets since the mitigation outcome will not be counted towards existing national targets.

We contribute to multiple SDGs


We offer projects that are fair to the people and surroundings and make a major climate contribution. Our projects stand out in terms of quality and UN sustainable development goals. Our biochar will be part of rehabilitation process on closed/abandon mining sites and help to restore the environment and the health of communities. In many African countries, the environmental and social legacies of mining have become heavy burdens because for a very long time, they were poorly attended to or simply ignored by the mining industry and governments.


We do NOT issue credits before the mitigation has actually occurred.


We stick firmly to the core carbon market principle that all carbon credits shall be real, measurable and verifiable. This is why we issue and sell credits only after the underlying project activities have actually generated emission reductions and carbon removal. Issuing credits in advance (“ex ante”) is a high-risk gamble since the emission reductions/carbon removal may never actually happen even if the credits have been issued.